Upogljive in zložljive elektronske naprave

Inženirji so izumili polprevodnik, izdelan iz tankega fleksibilnega hibridnega materiala, ki ga bo mogoče v bližnji prihodnosti uporabiti za zaslone na elektronskih napravah.

Engineers at large corporations have been eyeing to design a foldable and flexible display screen for electronic Naprave like computers and mobile phones. The goal is a display screen which would feel like a paper i.e. be bendable but also function electronically. Samsung, one of the largest mobile phone manufacturers in the world will in all probability be launching a flexible mobile phone very soon. They have developed a flexible organsko light emitting diode (OLED) panel which has an unbreakable surface. It is lightweight but tough and robust and can withstand high temperatures. Its most remarkable feature would be that this display will not break or be damaged if the device falls – the biggest challenge faced today by mobile phone display designers. A regular LCD screen continues to display even when bent but the liquid inside it becomes misaligned and hence a distorted image is displayed. The new flexible OLED screen could be bent or curved without distorting the display, however, it still won’t be completely foldable. The flexibility can be further increased by using more flexible nanowires in the future. A quantum dot light emitting diode display is more flexible because of the use of nano-crystals to produce high-quality sharp light. The displays still have to be encapsulated into glass or other material for protection.

Nov material za izdelavo fleksibilnih zaslonov

V nedavni študiji, objavljeni v Napredni materiali engineers from The Australian National University (ANU) have for the first time developed a semiconductor made from organsko and inorganic material which efficiently converts electricity into light. This semiconductor is ultra-thin and very flexible making it unique. The organsko part of the device, an important part of the semiconductor has a thickness of only one atom. The inorganic part is also small, about two atoms thick. The material was constructed by a process called ‘chemical vapor deposition’, similar to building a 3-dimensional structure from a 2D description. The semiconductor cannot be seen with naked eye, it rests between gold electrodes on a chip of size 1cm x 1cm having a functional transistor. One such chip can hold thousands of transistor circuits. The electrode serves as electricity input and output point. Once constructed opto-electronic and electrical properties of the material were characterized. This hybrid structure of organsko and inorganic components converts electricity into light which then provides display on mobile phones, televisions and other devices. The light emission is seen to be sharper and better for higher-resolution displays.

Tak material bo mogoče v bližnji prihodnosti uporabiti za upogibanje naprav – na primer mobilnih telefonov. Poškodba zaslona ali zaslona je pri mobilnih telefonih zelo pogosta in ta material lahko priskoči na pomoč. Z naraščajočo priljubljenostjo in povpraševanjem po pametnih telefonih z večjimi zasloni je nujna potreba po vzdržljivosti, tako da zaslon ni nagnjen k praskam, zlomom ali padcem itd. Hibridna struktura ima prednost glede učinkovitosti pred tradicionalnimi polprevodniki, ki so v celoti izdelan iz silicija. Ta material bi lahko uporabili za izdelavo zaslonov za mobilne telefone, televizijo, digitalne konzole itd. in morda nekega dne zgradili računalnike in ali naredili mobilni telefon tako močan kot superračunalnik. Raziskovalci že delajo na proizvodnji tega polprevodnika v večjem obsegu, da bi ga lahko komercializirali.

Boj z elektronskimi odpadki

It is estimated that 2018 will be produce a total of almost 50 million tons of electronic waste (e-waste) and very limited quantity would be recycled. E-waste constitutes electronic devices and equipment which have reached the end of their life and need to be discarded including old computers, office or entertainment electronic equipment, mobile phones, television etc. Massive amount of e-waste is a huge threat to the environment and is bound to cause irreversible damage to our natural resources and surroundings. This discovery is a starting point for designing electronic devices exhibiting high performance but which are made from organsko ‘bio’ materials. If mobile phones were made of a flexible material they would be easier to recycle. This will cut down on e-waste generated annually across the globe.

Prihodnost zložljivih in prilagodljivih elektronskih naprav bo zelo navdušujoča. Inženirji že razmišljajo o zložljivih zaslonih, kjer je mogoče naprave zviti kot zvitek. Najbolj napredna vrsta zaslona bi bila, ki se lahko zloži, ukrivi ali celo zdrobi kot papir, vendar lahko še naprej prikazuje čedne slike. Drugo področje je uporaba 'avkstetičnih' materialov, ki postanejo debelejši, ko so raztegnjeni in ki lahko absorbirajo visoke energijske udarce in se sami prilagodijo, da popravijo kakršno koli popačenje. Takšne naprave bi bile lahke, a prilagodljive.


{Izvirno raziskovalno nalogo lahko preberete s klikom na spodnjo povezavo DOI na seznamu citiranih virov}

Vir (i)

Sharma A et al. 2018. Učinkovito in od slojev odvisno ekscitonsko črpanje čez atomsko tanke organsko-anorganske heterostrukture tipa I. Napredni materiali. 30 (40).


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