Izziv varne pitne vode: nov poceni sistem za čiščenje vode na sončni pogon

Study describes a novel portable sončna-steaming collection system with polymer origami which can collect and purify vode po zelo nizki ceni

Svetovno povpraševanje po čistem je vedno večje vode owing to population growth, industrialization and contamination and depletion of our planetov naravni viri. Solar-steaming is a technique in which sončna energija can be used to purify vode by evaporating contaminated vode, re condensing it and producing fresh clean vode. This technique is a clean, renewable and sustainable green technology which has the potential to address global scarcity of clean water by utilizing the abundance of sončna energy. The strength and efficiency of a sončna-steaming system depends on its design and choice of photothermal materials. Current sončna-steaming technologies use expensive, bulky materials and have low efficiency and limited output. It has remained a challenge to enhance performance and lower costs in order to design a light weight and portable sončna-steaming system which can be directly used by individuals.

V novi študiji, objavljeni 28 Napredni materiali researchers describe a novel method for sončna steaming by designing a low cost portable low-pressure controlled sončna steaming collection system which can collect and purify vode using energy from sunlight. They chose a photothermal polymer material called Polypyrrole (PPy) which is conductive in nature, is well-known for its photothermal properties and exhibits high efficiency in converting solar light into thermal heat. Inspired from the flower rose, the unique design of this solar steaming system is made of 3D origami PPy-paper composites. A ‘PPy rose’ which constitutes of layered black sheets shaped as petals was created via origami folding and chemical polymerization of PPy. This origami structure is attached to a stem-like cotton infused tube which collects raw/untreated water from a water source and feeds it to the PPy rose structure placed on the top. Cotton infused tube and Polystyrene foam were used to prevent direct contact between PPy material and bulk water.

Once untreated vode reached the petals, PPy material in the flower structure turns vode into steam and impurities naturally separate from the water. Subsequently, the water vapor needs to be condensed and then clean water needs to collected for use. Researchers used a low-pressure condition by using a portable vacuum pump. This was seen to significantly enhance the rates of both water evaporation and water collection. Once water is condensed, the compact and sturdy collecting glass jar securely stores clean water.

The 3D origamis provided significantly higher absorption of light and enhanced surface areas for vode evaporation in comparison to a conventional 2D planar design. The water evaporation and collection rate is enhanced by 52 percent due to lowering of chamber pressure. PPy origami improved water evaporation by 71 percent and higher steam collection rates were also seen. The overall efficiency of the system increased by 91.5 percent under one light source. The system was tested on a sample from Colorado river in Texas, USA. The system removed contamination of water in the form of heavy metals, bacteria, salt and alleviates alkalinity producing clean water of drinking standards as set by WHO.

Trenutna študija opisuje novo racionalno zasnovo prenosnega nizkocenovnega sistema zbiranja s sončno paro s 3D origami fototermalnimi materiali, ki ponuja izboljšane stopnje izhlapevanja vode in zbiranja pare. Cena vsake rože podobne strukture je manjša od 2 centa in lahko uspešno proizvede 2 litra čiste vode na uro na kvadratni meter. Ta zasnova je lahko navdih za izdelavo edinstvenih modelov sončne pare za proizvodnjo čiste vode.


{Izvirno raziskovalno nalogo lahko preberete s klikom na spodnjo povezavo DOI na seznamu citiranih virov}

Vir (i)

Li, W. et al. 2019. Prenosni nizkotlačni solarni sistem za zbiranje s paro z origami iz polipirola. Napredni materiali. http://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201900720

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