XPoSat: ISRO zažene drugi vesoljski observatorij za rentgensko polarimetrijo na svetu  

ISRO has successfully launched the satellite XPoSat which is world’s second ‘X-ray Polarimetry Vesolje Observatory’. This will carry out research in prostor-based polarisation measurements of X-ray emission from various cosmic sources. Earlier, NASA had sent ‘Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)’ into prostor in 2021 for the same objectives. X-ray Polarimetry Vesolje Observatories measure the amount and direction of polarization of incoming X-rays emanating from cosmic bodies and služijo kot edinstveno orodje za preučevanje naravnih zakonov v ekstremnih razmerah.  

Indian Vesolje Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully launched XPoSat, a ‘X-ray Polarimetry Observatory’. It is designed to carry out research in prostor-based polarisation and spectroscopic measurements of X-ray emission from cosmic sources.  

Nosi dva tovora, in sicer POLIX (polarimeterski instrument v rentgenskih žarkih) in XSPECT (rentgenska spektroskopija in merjenje časa). Medtem ko bo POLIX meril polarizacijo rentgenskih žarkov v energijskem pasu 8-30 keV, ki izhajajo iz približno 50 potencialnih kozmičnih virov s pomočjo Thomsonovega sipanja, bo koristni tovor XSPECT izvajal dolgoročne spektralne in časovne študije kozmičnih rentgenskih virov v energijskem pasu 0.8. -15ke.  

Nasine Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) launched into prostor on 9 December 2021 was the first X-ray Polarimetry Vesolje Observatory. Since its launch, it has contributed to several groundbreaking research through studying polarization of X-rays from many different types of celestial objects such as the remnants of supernova explosions, powerful particle streams spit out by feeding črne luknje, Itd  

X-ray Polarimetry Vesolje Observatories measure the amount and direction of polarization of incoming X-rays emanating from cosmic bodies. 

Since polarised light carries unique details about the source and medium it has passed through, X-ray Polarimetry Vesolje Observatories like IXPE and XPoSat serve as a unique tool to study the laws of nature in extreme conditions.  



  1. ISRO. Satelitski rentgenski polarimeter (XPoSat). Na voljo na https://www.isro.gov.in/PSLV_C58_XPoSat_Mission.html 
  2. ISRO. Misija PSLV-C58/XPoSat. Na voljo na https://www.isro.gov.in/media_isro/pdf/Missions/PSLV_C58/PSLV_C58_Brochure.pdf 
  3. NASA 2023. Pregled IXPE. Na voljo na https://www.nasa.gov/ixpe-overview/  
  4. NASA 2023. Nasin IXPE zaznamuje dve leti prelomne rentgenske astronomije. Na voljo na https://www.nasa.gov/missions/ixpe/nasas-ixpe-marks-two-years-of-groundbreaking-x-ray-astronomy/  
  5. O'Dell SL, sod 2018. Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE): tehnični pregled. NASA. Na voljo na https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20180006418/downloads/20180006418.pdf  


Umesh Prasad
Umesh Prasad
Znanstveni novinar | Ustanovitelj urednik revije Scientific European

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